
By becoming a member, you will help The American Irish Historical Society to preserve and promote Irish history. From its home on Manhattan’s Museum Mile, the American Irish Historical Society collects and displays material such as portraits, prints, trophies, and books which help tell the story of the Irish in New York City and beyond. Continued fundraising is a vital part of completing the mission of the Society. Every contribution goes a long way towards helping us fulfill our goal. Without your support, The American Irish Historical Society would not be able to offer the events, and maintain the library, as you have come to expect. Having been in existence for over 110 years, you can feel sure that your membership supports a very worthy organization.

The American Irish Historical Society is a non-profit 501(c)3 charity. All donations to the Society are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. You can find more information about the AIHS, including its most recent 990 at Guidestar. In addition to monetary donations, the Society accepts donations of physical objects such as books, artifacts, furniture, or real estate. Any such donations will be used by the AIHS or preserved in the library and archives for use by future scholars and students of Irish history. Please contact the AIHS for more information regarding other ways in which you can donate.